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> KillTeam, Чаршиты
   Сообщение № 1. 26.3.2014, 22:49, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
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Брат-Сержант Кристоф - Гвардия Ворона - "Победа или Смерть!" - ПАЛ
Свернутый текст
Брат Кристоф обладал вполне естестественной для своего ордена внешностью. Распространённая в Гвардии ворона мутация сделала его кожу бледнее мела. Вся тёмные оттенки покинули его лицо и подобно изгнаным светом теням скопились в его невероятно чёрных волосах и глазах. Глаза Кристофа не имели белков, и были полностью чёрным. Аскетичное и невероятно белое лицо было лишено возрастных признаков, однако отсутствие штифтов говорило, о относительной молодости сержанта. Лоб, скулы, подбородок будто достались Кристофу от статуи мыслителя древности, и почти не выражали никаких эмоций за исключением мыслей о бренности всего сущего. Считать же эмоции Кристофа позволяли лишь губы, то сжимающиеся в яростом оскале, то растягивающиеся в довольной улыбке.

Assault Marine Rank 3 (24 500) 650 + 900 + 75 Свободного опыта
Renown: 23 + 3 (Respected)
Wounds: 0/20 10 IMPALING crit в торс
Fate Points: 3, 1 Fortune Points used now (Персонаж пал, не сжигая FP, так как игрок таким образом эскэйпнулся из игры)
----+2 Raven Calvaria----

Astartes bolter 28
Astartes bolt pistol 14 : 14 : 14
2 Astartes frag grenades
2 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes power sword x2
repair cement x2
Power Armour: +2 Crit dmg, + 1 dmg vs horde magnitude
Astartes chainsword
Astartes jump pack

Awareness [T]
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) [T]
Climb [T]
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch) [T]
Concealment +10
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) [T]
Intimidate [T]
Pilot (Personal) +20
Literacy [T]
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) [T]
Silent Move +10
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Tactics (Recon and Stealth) [T]
Tactics (Choose one) [T]
Tracking [T]
Astartes Weapons Training
Berserk Charge
Bulging Biceps
Crushing Blow
Guerilla Training
Hard Target

Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Hunter on Alliens
Lightning Reflexes
Lightning Attack

Killing Strike
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Sure Strike => Precise Blow
True Grit
Wall of Steel
Two-weapon Wielder (melee)
Swift Attack
Unarmed Master

Solo Mod Abilities

Master of The Shadows
Type: Passive
Effects: When the Battle-Brother is in solo mode, he may re-roll any failed Concealment, Shadowing and Silent Move Tests.
Improvement: At Rank 3 or above, all attacks made by the Battle-Brother against surprised targets gain a +2 to Armour Penetration.
At Rank 5 or above, the Battle-Brother gains a +20 bonus to Concealment, Shadowing and Silent Move Tests.
At Rank 7 or above, all attacks made by the Battle-Brother against surprised targets gain a +4 to Armour Penetration.
Wings of angels
The Assault Marine may add 20 metres the movement rate of his Jump Pack with a successful Challenging (+0) Pilot (Personal) Test. When making a Charge whilst using this ability, the Space Marine adds an additional 1d5 Damage to any melee attacks. This ability only functions when in Solo Mode.

   Сообщение № 2. 27.3.2014, 14:28, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
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Брат Кладиус - Ультрамарины - "Мы сражаемся за Макрэйдж и мы не знаем страха!"
Высокий, широкоплечий, коротко стриженый, светловолосый, скуластое лицо, глаза серые. В силу своей молодости Кладиус всё-таки больше похож на человека, чем его братья-техномарины. Однако серво-рука и маска с проводами, что заменяют ему дыхательную систему, выдают в нём Адептус Механикус.

Tech-Marine Rank 1 (15 200) 1675 Свободного опыта
Renown: 6 + 4 (Initiated)
Wounds: 11/22
Fate Points: 0/3
+3 Honour Belts
first strike

Astartes Heavy Bolter (with Backpack Ammo Supply) 22 : 60 : 60
Astartes bolt pistol 13 : 14 : 14 : 14
0 Astartes frag grenades
2 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes chain sword
Power Armour: +5 Agility +1 Initiative

Awareness [T]
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) [T]
Climb [T]
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch) [T]
Concealment [T]
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos, Adeptus Mechanicus) [T]
Intimidate [T]
Literacy [T]
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) [T]
Security [T]
Silent Move [T]
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Speak Language (Techna-Lingua) [T]
Tech-Use [T]

Tactics (Defensive Doctrine) [T]
Tracking [T]
Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps
Electro-Graft Use
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Killing Strike
Mechanicus Implants Trait (RIGHT! Bionic Arm)
Mechadendrite Use (Servo-Arm)
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Technical Knock
True Grit
Unarmed Master

Solo Mod Abilities

Favoured son
Effects: While in Solo Mode, a Battle-Brother of the Ultramarines Chapter may re-roll any Fellowship Tests when dealing with either Space Marines or members of the Imperial armed forces (i.e. Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, etc.).
In addition, their strength of leadership means that the Battle-Brother adds +1 to the Kill-team’s Cohesion if he is the squad leader. This bonus to Cohesion remains active even when the Battle-Brother is not in Solo Mode.
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above once per combat the Battle-Brother may automatically pass one Command Skill Test.
At Rank 5 and above the Dispositions (se peage 276) of all Imperial forces and agents are improved favourably by one step when dealing with the Battle-Brother.
At Rank 7 and above the Battle-Brother adds +2 to his Kill-team’s Cohesion rather than +1.

   Сообщение № 3. 28.3.2014, 09:16, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
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Сообщений: 7418

Репутация: 306
Брат Арксон - Железные Руки - "Плоть слаба!"
Глядя на Арксона, сложно сказать, где кончается его тело и начинается броня, поскольку он во многом уже стал машиной, как и большинство его собратьев по ордену. Рыжеватая кожа похожа на проржавевшее железо, вместо волос на голове - несколько пучков проводов, на шее, груди и спине плоть и сталь сплетаются воедино, левая же рука полностью заменена на аугментику. Подобие этой руки возвышается над правым плечом в ожидании дела. Только глаза технодесантника определенно человеческие - в них светится недюжинный ум и решимость довести любое дело до конца, чего бы это не стоило.

Tech-Marine Rank 3 (22 400) 100 Свободного опыта
Renown: 16 + 4 (Respected)
Wounds: 13/23
Fate Points: 0/3
IP: 6 + 3

Astartes bolter with fire selector, with melee atachment (chain), with recoil baffling 0-15-28
Astartes bolt pistol 0 : 14 : 14
0 Astartes frag grenades
0 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes combat knife
Power Armour: +10 S
repair cement

Awareness [T]
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) [T]
Climb [T]
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch) [T]
Concealment [T]
Demolition [T]
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Evaluate [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos, Adeptus Mechanicus, Archeotech) [T]
Intimidate [T]
Literacy [T]
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) [T]
Silent Move [T]
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Speak Language (Techna-Lingua) [T]
Tech-Use +20[T]

Tactics (Defensive Doctrine) [T]
Tracking [T]
Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps
Electro-Graft Use
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Killing Strike
Logis Implant
Mechanicus Implants Trait (Auger Array, Exceptional Bionic Arm)
Mechadendrite Use (Servo-Arm)
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)

Technical Knock
The Flesh is Weak 3

True Grit
Unarmed Master

Solo Mod Abilities

Suffer no Weakness
Type: Passive
Effects: Once per combat, the Battle-Brother may select a single enemy. For the duration of the combat, the Battle-Brother gains the Hatred Talent against his chosen foe and gains a bonus to Damage equal to one-half (rounding up) of his unmodified Intelligence Bonus.
Improvements: At Rank 3, the Battle-Brother gains the Sturdy Trait; the Battle-Brother must possess at least 4 cybernetics.
At Rank 5, all Interaction Skill Tests used against the Battle-Brother suffer a –30 penalty; the Battle-Brother must possess at least 5 cybernetics.
At Rank 7, the Battle-Brother gains the Undying Trait; the Battle-Brother must possess at least 6 cybernetics.

Note: For this Solo Mode Ability, The Flesh Is Weak Talent counts its level as an equal number of cybernetics. Thus, a Space Marine with The Flesh Is Weak 3 and 2 cybernetics would count as having 5 cybernetics for the purposes of this Solo Mode Ability.

   Сообщение № 4. 29.3.2014, 18:54, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
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Сообщений: 7418

Репутация: 306
Брат Инквиэль - Темные Ангелы - "Раскайся, ибо завтра ты умрешь!"
Брат Инквиэль с гордостью несет на себе как печать наследия Льва Эль Джонсона, так и племенные метки своего родного мира.
Кожа цвета старой бронзы, внимательные блекло-серые глаза, прячущиеся в тени мощных надбровий, крупные и резкие черты лица, выдающиеся скулы, нос, изрядно смахивающий на клюв хищной птицы. Голова почти полностью выбрита, лишь одинокая прядь пепельных волос на затылке скручена в тонкую косицу, украшенную тремя алыми каменными бусинами. От краев глаз к ушам и затем к основанию косицы узенькой, в палец шириной, полоской идет племенная татуировка - хитрый узор из дюжин крошечных спиралей синего и красного цвета.

Devastator Rank 2 (18 500) 1500 Свободного опыта
Renown: 11 + 6 (Initiated)
Wounds: 16/20 ПОТЕРЯЛ РУКУ
Fate Points: 0/3+1 ЗАСЛУЖИЛ!
IP: 14 + 6

Astartes bolter with fire selector 2-24-0 [JAM!]
Astartes bolt pistol 8 : - : -
0 Astartes frag grenades
0 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes combat knife
repair cement
Power Armour: +2 Crit dmg, + 1 dmg vs horde magnitude
Chapter Trapping: Seekers Robe (+3 Scrutiny Tests)

Awareness [T]
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) [T]
Climb [T]
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch) [T]
Concealment [T]
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos, Adeptus Astartes) [T]
Intimidate [T]
Literacy [T]
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) [T]
Silent Move [T]
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Tactics (Defensive Doctrine) [T]
Tracking [T]
Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps
Crack Shot
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Iron Jaw
Killing Strike
Mighty Shot
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
True Grit
Unarmed Master

Solo Mod Abilities

Stoic Defence (Dark Angels)
Effects: Once per combat a Battle-Brother of the Dark Angels Chapter may enact a Stoic Defence. The Space Marine gains 6 Temporary Wounds and his maximum Movement Rate is reduced to 1/2 his Agility Bonus, rounding up (most Space Marines with this ability hold their chosen position and do not advance or retreat!). Unlike normal Wounds, these bonus Wounds are removed when affected by the Damage of any successful attack, and are always removed first before applying Damage to the Battle-Brother’s normal Wounds. These bonus Wounds will also be lost if the Battle-Brother leaves his chosen location either by his own choice or
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above the temporary Wounds increase to 12.
At Rank 5 and above the Battle-Brother may move a number of metres equal to his Agility Bonus each round without losing the effects of the ability.
At Rank 7 and above the temporary Wounds increase to 18.

   Сообщение № 5. 1.4.2014, 12:18, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
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Репутация: 306
Брат Эйлан - Рапторы - "Прекратите слепо следовать кодексу, действуйте по ситуации!" (с) Капитан Маодес Кариб, Рапторы 5ая рота

+10 WS and BS to all battle brothers under command
«Кодекс Астартес говорит:
Тот, кто не знает себя и не знает врага, проиграет сто битв из ста.
Тот, кто знает себя и не знает врага, проиграет половину битв из ста.
Тот, кто знает себя и знает врага, выиграет сто битв из ста.
Ворон же говорит:
Тот, кто знает себя и врага, но тот кого не знает враг, станет непобедим.
Братья! Пусть мы будем подобны ночному ворону, которому известно все, и о котором не известно ничего.
Пусть презренные еретики познают наш гнев! Мы Астартес!
За Человечество! За Империум! За Императора!»

Наверное, если взглянуть на брата Эйлона в боевом облачении, отличить его от остальных его братьев будет возможно только благодаря символам апотекариона на броне. Но как только он снимает шлем – его лицо приковывает к себе взгляд. Кожа на правой половине лица жутко обожжена. Нос – с характерной горбинкой, что свидетельствует, что его не раз ломали. Убранные в хвост на затылке волосы и глаза – черны как ночь, а кожа, не подвергшаяся ожогу наоборот отливает неестественной сероватой белизной.

Apothecary Rank 3 (24 800) 0 Свободного опыта
Renown: 21 + 3 (Respected)
Wounds: 21/21
Fate Points: 1/3
IP: 11


Astartes bolter (Stalker) with fire selector 0-19-17(эта обойма stalker rounds) (RANGE - 200)
Astartes bolt pistol 0 : 12 : 14
117 запасных зарядов
Narthecium, Reductor
1 Astartes frag grenades
0 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes combat knife
Power Armour: Wearer never suffers any penalties for moving and firing with a pistol- or basic-class weapon on semi- or fully automatic fire. Additionally, the wearer may count any heavy weapon he wields as a basic weapon for the purposes of moving and firing on semi- or fully-automatic fire.
Astartes Combat Webbing (+20 Medicae)

Chapter Trapping: MARKSMAN COMBAT SIGHT. Before making an attack choose one (and only one) of the effects applied:
Laser Tracer: This provides a +10 bonus to hit against targets when taking single shots.
Focal Targeter: This sight increases the weapons Penetration value by an amount equal to the firers Perception Bonus. This effect may be applied only in case of a Standard Attack with the preceeding Aim Action

Awareness +10
Ciphers (Chapter Runes, Inquisition, Deathwatch, Xeno Markings) [T]
Chem Use [T]
Climb +10
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch +20, Jericho Reach) [T]
Concealment +20
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) [T]
Interrogation +10[T]
Intimidate [T]
Literacy [T]
Mediacae +20
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes, Chymistry) [T]
Silent Move +20
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Tactics (Recon and Stealth) +20
Tracking [T]
Assassin Strike
Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Hunter of Aliens
Killing Strike
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Total Recall
True Grit
Unarmed Master

Solo Mod Abilities

Action: Free Action
Effects:When firing single shots from a ranged weapon at Long and Extreme ranges, the Battle-Brother reduces the range penalty by 10.
Improvement: At Rank 4 the Battle-Brother has mastered sniping targets at range and gains a +20 to his Ballistic Skill Tests when making single shots at Long and Extreme range.
At Rank 6 the Battle-Brother has become a veteran sniper and extends the range of any bolt weapon he uses by 20m; this increases the weapon’s short, long and extreme ranges accordingly.

   Сообщение № 6. 4.4.2014, 06:47, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
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Общие Solo Mode Abilities:

Burst of Speed (Rank 1)
Effects: Once per game session, a Battle-Brother can perform a Burst of Speed. This ability increases the character’s Agility Bonus by 2 with all the usual associated benefits for a number of Rounds equal to his Rank.
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above Burst of Speed also adds a +10 to all Agility tests based on movement.
At Rank 5 the bonus to Agility Bonus increases to +4.
At Rank 7 this ability allows the Battle-Brother to ignore the need to make Agility Tests when running or charging in difficult terrain (see page 206).

Feat of Strenght (Rank 1) ИСПОЛЬЗОВАЛ: Кайя, Арксон
Effects: Once per day of game time, a Battle-Brother may perform a Feat of Strength. This ability effectively increases his Unnatural Strength Trait (see page 136) by one level, so for instance Unnatural Strength x2 becomes Unnatural Strength x3. This effect lasts for a number of Rounds equal to his Rank.
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above Feat of Strength also adds +10 to all Strength Tests and Strength-based Skill Tests for its duration.
At Rank 5 and above Feat of Strength last for a number of Rounds equal to twice the character’s Rank.
At Rank 7 and above Feat of Strength increases the character’s Unnatural Strength Trait by two levels.

Renewed Vigour (Rank 3)
Effects: Once per game session, a Battle-Brother may call upon his Renewed Vigour. This is a Free Action that can be done at the start of any of his Turns. For a number of Rounds equal to his Rank, he can ignore the
effects of a single critical hit, such as Stunning, levels of Fatigue, or unconsciousness. Note, however, this does not allow the use of limbs that have been completely blown off or critical hits that result in death. Also, any new critical hit effects suffered during the Renewed Vigour affect the Battle-Brother as normal.
Improvement: At Rank 5 the Renewed Vigour also restores a number of Wounds to the Battle-Brother equal to his Rank.
At Rank 7 the Battle-Brother can ignore all of the critical hit effects he is currently suffering from for the duration of the ability.

   Сообщение № 7. 17.4.2014, 14:51, Фех пишет:
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Репутация: 306
Брат Кайя - Белые Шрамы - "За Хана и Императора!"
Брат Кайя взирает на мир широко посаженными, слегка раскосыми глазами карего цвета. Скулы его весьма широки, нос плоский и маленький, как и у многих жителей степей Чогориса. За исключением длинных, свисающих усов и не менее длинного хвоста черных волос на затылке, вся голова брата Кайи наголо выбрита. Лицо пересекает шрам, отдаленно напоминающий молнию.

Tactical Marine Rank 3 (23 300) 400 Свободного опыта
Renown: 20 (Respected)
Wounds: 0/22 5 RND CRIT in Right LEG IV уровня фатиги, половинный мув на 6 часов
Fate Points: 3
IP: +2

Astartes Storm Bolter with Fireselector 0-12-0 (All Metal Storm)
Astartes bolt pistol 0 : 12 : 0 ПЕРЕДАНО ВАТОРУ
2 Astartes frag grenades
2 Astartes krak grenades
4 Asrates Cluster mines
Astartes combat knife
Duelling Tulwar 1d10+2R, Pen: 0, balanced, primitive (The Duelling Tulwar allows a Battle-Brother to make a single Standard Attack as a Free Action with the weapon when he uses the Defensive Stance Action)
repair cement
Mashine Spirit x2
Astartes Ammo Suply 226 (Metall storm)
Power Armour: Fear I; the wearer never suffers any penalties for moving and firing with a pistol- or basic-class weapon on semi- or fully automatic fire. -1 доза обезболивающих

Awareness +20
Ciphers (Chapter Runes, Xeno Markings, Deathwatch) [T]
Climb [T]
Demolition [T]
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch +10) [T]
Command [T]
Concealment [T]
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos, Adeptus Astartes) [T]
Intimidate [T]
Literacy [T]
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) [T]
Silent Move [T]
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Survival [T]
Tactics (Assault Doctrine) [T]
Tracking [T]
Astartes Weapons Training
Berserk Charge
Bulging Biceps
Double Team
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Killing Strike
Mighty Shot
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
True Grit
Unarmed Master

Solo Mod Abilities

As Swift as the Wind
Effects: After making a ranged attack, a successful Challenging (+0) Agility Test (or Drive or Pilot Test, if operating a vehicle) allows the Battle-Brother to make a standard Half Move (or move half his vehicle’s Tactical Speed, rounding up) as a Free Action. The character may only make this move once per Round.
At Rank 3 and above, the Battle-Brother’s swift and sudden attacks grant him an additional +10 to hit and +2 damage against Surprised or Unaware enemies.
At Rank 5 and above, the White Scar maintains a swift pace at all times, counting his Agility Bonus as 1 higher for the purposes of movement and increasing the Tactical Speed of any vehicle he uses by 1m (this bonus to movement speed remains active even when the Battle-Brother is not in Solo Mode).
At Rank 7 and above, the Battle-Brother may make a Full Move, or move his vehicle’s full Tactical Speed, after making a ranged attack.

   Сообщение № 8. 4.5.2014, 09:21, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
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Сообщений: 7418

Репутация: 306
Брат-Сержант Ульфрих - Космические Волки - "За Русса! За Всеотца!"
Рост молодого Космического Волка таков, что взгляд его сине-стальных глаз, устремленный вперед, будет равняться с макушкой какого другого космического десантника, под стать этому и объем мощной фигуры сержанта. Белые, слегка завивающиеся на концах волосы по обыкновению многих Волков длинны, и если не прятать их под шлемом, свободно падают на высокий воротник брони новейшего поколения. Лицо же брата Ульфриха, несмотря на выпирающие клыки, свойственные генотипу, хранит черты той правильной красоты древних скандинавских викингов, что могут служить примером любому воину современности в своей горделивой приверженности славе и чести.

Tactical Marine Rank 3 (23 250) 450 Свободного опыта
Renown: 26 + 1 (respected)
Fate Points: 0/2

Astartess lascannon 80
Astartes Stormbolter with Fireselector with Motion Predictor 52_(Craken)-44_(MetalStorm)-34_(HellFire) [ОБРОНЕНО НА ДНЕ У ПЛОТИНЫ]
Astartes bolt pistol !14_HellFire : 12_Craken : 14_Cracken
4 Astartes krak grenades
2 Astartes EPM grenades
3 Astartes frag grenades
Exceptional quality chainsword with dipole maglock
repair cement х2
Mashine Spirit
Сумка с лекарствами собранная на Атоме
Power Armour MK8 Errant: (30% heads hits, strike in torso instead) +10 S, +5 Command tests + Wolf Helmet (могут носить космоволки, не теряя своего чутья)
Wolf Pelt +2 Intimidate Rolls

Awareness +10
Carouse +10
Charm [T]
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) [T]
Climb [T]
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch) [T]
Command [T]
Concealment [T]
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) [T]
Intimidate [T]
Literacy [T]
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Survival [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) [T]
Silent Move [T]
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Tactics (Assault Doctrine) [T]
Tracking +10
Air of authority
Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight, Smell)
Hip Shooting
Killing Strike
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Signature gear (exceptional quality chainsword with dipole maglock)
True Grit
Unarmed Master

Weakness as Strenght
+2 SB, TB while reduces to 3 wounds or less. Can reroll single WS, BS, S or T test in any turn in which he suffers any a level of Fatig.

Solo Mod Abilities

Wolf Senses
Effects: Whenever a Battle-Brother of the Space Wolves Chapter is in Solo Mode he may re-roll any failed Perception-based Tests and counts as possessing the Dark Sight Trait. However, it is important to note that none of these bonuses apply if the Space Wolf is wearing a helmet for a sealed set of armour (e.g., Power Armour, Artificer Armour, or Terminator Armour).
At Rank 3 and above the Battle-Brother adds +10 to all Perception-based Tests.
At Rank 5 and above, he gains the Unnatural Perception (x2) Trait while using this ability.
At Rank 7 and above the Battle-Brother’s senses are such that once per game session he can automatically pass any test based on Perception (for purposes of Opposed Tests the Battle-Brother is considered to have rolled a 01).

   Сообщение № 9. 4.5.2014, 09:50, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
Очень социальный

Сообщений: 7418

Репутация: 306

   Сообщение № 10. 27.6.2014, 04:53, Фех пишет:
Фех ( Offline )
Очень социальный

Сообщений: 7418

Репутация: 306
4-ое тактическое, 1-ой Иерихонской роты Караула смерти под командованием брата-сержанта Ульфриха

Брат Алиус
Брат Алиус - Кровавые Ангелы - "За Императора и Сангвиния, смерть! СМЕРТЬ!

Tactical Marine Rank 7 (42 000) 0 Свободного опыта
Renown: 60 (Famed)

Astartes Rocket Launcher+Astartes Targeter 1 Plasma Rockets, 3 Frag Rocket [и каждого вида 8 запасная ракета (-1 CRAK, нет фрагов, нет плазмы)]
Infernus pistol 4 : 4 : 4
2 Astartes frag grenades
3 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes Power Spear
Astartes Ammo Suply 242 krag
Astartes repair cement x2
Mashine Spirit

Common Lore (War) +20
Forbiden Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10

Hard Target
Storm of Iron
Target Selection
Mighty shot
Slayer of Demons
Hatred (Orcs)

Брат Бальтимий - Пал

Брат Гимер
Брат Гимер - Темные Ангелы - "Раскайся ибо завтра ты умрешь!"

Tactical Marine Rank 4 (25 000) 100 Свободного опыта
Renown: 13 (Initiated)
Wounds: 0/21 Неизвестный эффект. Нет признаков жизни, но и зафиксировать смерть ни одному из братьев пока не удается.
IP: 4 + ??? (после того как пришел в себя)

Astartes bolter with fire selector 3-28-28(эта обойма stalker rounds)
Astartes bolt pistol 14 : 14 : 14
3 Astartes frag grenades
2 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes combat knife
Repair cement

Awareness +10

Hip Shooting
Mighty Shot
Bolter Drill
Taget Selection
Deadeye Shot
Rapid Reload

Брат Диений
Брат Диений - Ультрамарины - "Мы бьемся за МакРэйдж! И мы не знаем страха!"

Tactical Marine Rank 4 (26 000) 0 Свободного опыта
Renown: 10 (Initiated)
Wounds: 10/22 ПОТЕРЯЛ РУКУ.
IP^ 1

Astartes Storm Bolter with fire Selector 4_Craken-12-60
Astartes bolt pistol 11 : 14 : 14 [Получил от Алиуса]
2 Astartes frag grenades
3 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes combat knife
Astartes backpack ammo supply 90 (для heavy)
Astartes Repair cement x2

Common Lore (War) +10
Interrogation +10

Duty unto Dead
Iron Discipline
Scourge the Heretics
Mighty shot
Hatred (Tyranids)

Брат Иолай - Пал.

Брат Миктос - Пал.

Брат Ностр - Пал.

Брат Роний - Пал.

   Сообщение № 11. 14.7.2014, 14:36, Сайдас пишет:

Владыка Тьмы
Сообщений: 5680

Репутация: 77
Брат Юлий
Брат Юлий - Кровавые вороны - "Знание - сила. Защити Его!". - Стал НПЦ

Tactical Marine Rank 2 (18 500) 350 Свободного опыта
Renown: 20 (Respected)
Wounds: 18/21 Потерял глаз
Fate Points: 0/3
IP: 6+1+2


Astartes bolter with fire selector 10-28-10(эта обойма crack rounds)
40 bolter rounds
50 crack rounds
Astartes chainsword (1d10+3 R, balanced, tearing)
Astartes bolt pistol 14 : 14 : 14
2 Astartes frag grenades
2 Astartes krak grenades
Astartes combat knife
Vox Caster
Repair cement
Mashine Spirit x2
Astartes Ammo Suply 250 (Hell Fire)
Librarian Texts +3 to Forbidden Lore (Traitor Legions)
Astartes Power Armor Mark lV "Heresy": + 10 Fell when dealing with others SM, -10 when dealing with inqusitors and their agents
MK6 Elements: +5 AG (Элементы Корвус-тайп брони на поножах), Helm of Mordicus +5 BS, +10 Command, + 5 Fell when dealing with others SM
Gauntlets of Xirion +10 WS, +5 Fell when dealing with anyone loyal to the Imperium

Awareness [T]
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) [T]
Climb [T]
Dodge [T]
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Imperium, War, Deathwatch) [T]
Command [T]
Concealment [T]
Drive (Ground Vehicles) [T]
Forbidden Lore (Xenos, Traitor Legions +23, Daemonology+20, Heresy, Inquisition, Archeotech)
Intimidate [T]
Literacy [T]
Navigation (Surface) [T]
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes, Legends)
Silent Move [T]
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) [T]
Tactics (Assault Doctrine) [T]
Tracking [T]
Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Killing Strike
Nerves of Steel
Quick Draw
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
True Grit
Unarmed Master

Solo mode ability

Effects: Once per combat, the Battle-Brother may expend a Half Action to negate a single foe’s Reaction for that Round.
Alternatively, as a Free Action, the Battle-Brother may make a Challenging (+0) Opposed Intelligence Test against a single foe (or a Horde) to determine its next action before he acts himself. If successful, the Battle-Brother may choose to either gain +10 to all Tests made against the foe this Turn or gain +10 to any Dodge or Parry Tests made against attacks from the foe until the start of his next Turn.
Improvement: At Rank 3, the Battle-Brother increases the bonuses made on Tests against a target of Foreknowledge to +20 on all Tests for that Turn or +20 on any Dodge and Parry Tests made against attacks from the foe until the start of his next Turn.
At Rank 7 the Battle-Brother can negate the Reaction of a single foe as a Free Action rather than a Half Action.

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