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> Комментаторская, закадровый голос
   Сообщение № 1. 18.1.2014, 17:03, Anno пишет:
Anno ( Offline )

Сообщений: 498

Репутация: 78
Собственно комментарии и замечания по поводу проведенных боёв.

В двух случаях из трёх ярко видна проблема слабой защитой от Stun повреждений и Оглушения. Чтобы разобраться поближе предлагаю взглянуть на HERO System, во первых эта система является прародителем Fuizon, а во вторых она ушла намного вперёд, что делает её концепции более проверенными.

Fuzion и HERO System 6Ed: Механизм защиты от повреждений при помощи характеристик.

Начнём немного не по теме, а именно с состояния Оглушение (Stunned).

If you take more than 1/2 of your total Stun in one attack, you are Stunned.
A Stunned character cannot act in the next phase and is -5 to all Primary Characteristics.
He can't move, and he may take no other actions.

He will remain stunned for 1 phase, becoming "unstunned" next phase.

If the STUN done to a character (after subtracting defenses) is less than or equal to his Constitution (CON), there`s no effect other than the loss of STUN. If the STUN done to a character by a single attack (after subtracting defenses) exceeds his CON, he`s Stunned.
A Stunned character`s DCV (Defensive Combat Value) and DMCV (Defensive Mental Combat Value) instantly drop to 1/2 (as do the modifiers for making Placed Shots against him). At the end of the Segment, any of his Powers that aren`t Persistent, and any Skill Levels of any type, turn off.
The character remains Stunned and can take no Action until his next Phase (he cannot even Abort to a defensive Action).
A character who`s Stunned or recovering from being Stunned can take no Actions, take no Recoveries (except his free Post-Segment 12 Recovery), cannot move, and cannot be affected by Presence Attacks.
Stunned characters typically retain their grip on objects they are holding, but this may depend on the object being held (heavier ones are dropped more often than light ones) and the nature of the attack.

A Stunned character must take a moment to clear his head and recover from the effects. This is called recovering from being Stunned. Recovering from being Stunned requires a Full Phase, and is the only thing the character can do during that Phase. A character can recover from being Stunned in the Segment in which he was Stunned if he had a Phase in that Segment and his Phase has not yet occurred (in that case his Constant Powers won’t turn off, since he won’t still be Stunned at the end of the Segment). If a character becomes Stunned while Holding an Action, he cannot use his Held Action to recover from being Stunned — he simply loses it. A character doesn’t recover from being stunned when he takes a Post-Segment 12 Recovery.
In the character’s next full Phase after becoming Stunned, he recovers from being Stunned when his DEX occurs in the Segment. He regains his full DCV (and Placed Shot modifiers return to normal), but he still cannot act until his next Phase — recovering from being Stunned is all he can do that Phase. However, after recovering from being Stunned, a character may, if he wishes, Abort to a defensive Action (even in the same Segment in which he recovers from being Stunned).

Andarra (DEX 20, SPD 3) is Stunned by an attack on Segment 6. She must use her Phase on Segment 8 to recover; she recovers on DEX 20 (so an enemy attacking her in Segment 8 with, say, DEX 15 would have to hit her at her full DCV (Defensive Combat Value)). Andarra cannot take any other Action until her next Phase on Segment 12, but may Abort her Phase in Segment 12 in Segments 8 (after her DEX occurs), 9, 10, or 11 if she so desires.
If Andarra were Stunned in Segment 4 by an opponent who attacked on DEX 24, she would recover from being Stunned on her Phase in Segment 4, since she hadn’t yet acted in that Phase.

A character may be hit by an attack in the Phase in which he’ll recover from being Stunned before getting to do so (i.e., by another character whose DEX is higher than his). If the character takes no damage from the attack after applying his defenses, he may still recover from being Stunned as normal. However, if the character takes any STUN or BODY damage from the attack, he cannot recover from being Stunned that Phase; he must try to do so on his next Phase instead. (At the GM’s option, this also occurs if a character suffers any similar effect, such as losing INT to a Drain INT or taking Knockback.)
If a character is Stunned, and takes enough damage to be Stunned again before he gets to recover from being Stunned, he doesn’t have to recover twice — he was already Stunned, so he can’t be “Stunned more.” One recovery from being Stunned takes care of both.
If a character is Stunned by a Constant attack, he can recover from being Stunned if he has a Phase in a Segment in which his attacker doesn’t (and therefore in which he doesn’t take damage from the Constant attack). Recovering from being Stunned is not the same thing as taking a Recovery. A character regains no STUN when he recovers from being Stunned, he merely shakes off the effects of being Stunned (such as having ½ DCV). A character can recover from being Stunned even if he cannot breathe or holds his breath.
There’s no limit to the number of times a character can be Stunned and recover from being Stunned. Nor is there any limit to how much negative STUN a character can accrue, but the GM can establish a reasonable one (such as negative the character’s starting STUN, or some multiple thereof) if appropriate or desireable.

Как видно Оглушение является очень неприятным фактором, в особенности для Fuizon, по правилам которого оно значительно уменьшает все Основные характеристики.
В HERO же наполовину «режутся» только защитные параметры.

Теперь перейдём к механизму расчёта защитных параметров.
Под "защитными" я буду использовать параметры отвечающие за "Запас прочности" персонажа, это.
  • Fuzion
    • Stun (BODYx5)
    • Hits (BODYx5)
    • SD (Stun Defense) (CONx2)
  • HERO
    Свернутый текст
    Strength (STR); Base 10; 1 Character Point per +1 STR Indicates a character’s lifting capacity and base HTH damage
    Constitution (CON); Base 10; 1 Character Point per +1 CON Determines if a character is Stunned in combat and provides CON Rolls
    Physical Defense (PD); Base 2; 1 Character Point per +1 PD Protects the character from Physical attacks (such as punches and clubs)
    Body (BODY); Base 10; 1 Character Point per +1 BODY Indicates how hard it is to kill the character
    Stun (STUN); Base 20; 1 Character Point per +2 STUN Indicates how hard it is to Knock Out the character
    • CON
    • STUN
    • BODY
    • PD (Physical Defense)
В качестве источника повреждений будет использоваться физическая сила персонажа – STR.

Возьмём несколько персонажей все характеристики которых имеют одинаковое значение (STR=BOD=CON=...)
Рассмотрим случай "персонаж атакует сам себя" и какова вероятность оглушения.

Чтобы Оглушить персонажа нужно нанести от [1/2 Max.Stun + SD] оглушающих повреждений.
Персонаж наносит STRd6 повреждений, также учитываем вариант когда Сила увеличена.
  • Характеристики 4
    Max.Stun: 20
    SD: 8
    Необходимо SDm чтобы Оглушить: 18
    Базовые наносимые повреждения: 4d6
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+0: 15,90% (18-24)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+1: 50,00% (18-30)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+2: 79,42% (18-36)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+3: 93,88% (18-42)
  • Характеристики 5
    Max.Stun: 25
    SD: 10
    Необходимо SDm чтобы Оглушить: 23 (22,5 округлено)
    Базовые наносимые повреждения: 5d6
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+0: 9,80% (23-30)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+1: 36,31% (23-36)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+2: 66,78% (23-42)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+3: 87,02% (23-48)
  • Характеристики 6
    Max.Stun: 30
    SD: 12
    Необходимо SDm чтобы Оглушить: 27
    Базовые наносимые повреждения: 6d6
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+0: 9,65% (27-36)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+1: 33,22% (27-42)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+2: 61,98% (27-48)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+3: 83,28% (27-54)
  • Характеристики 7
    Max.Stun: 35
    SD: 14
    Необходимо SDm чтобы Оглушить: 32 (31,5 округлено)
    Базовые наносимые повреждения: 7d6
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+0: 6,12% (32-42)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+1: 23,77% (32-48)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+2: 50,00% (32-54)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+3: 73,89% (32-60)
Как видно вероятность Оглушения при сражении двух одинаковых персонажей вполне реальна, однако падет с ростом обоих. А вот минимальное превосходство в Силе даёт значительное увеличение вероятности, что не очень хорошо, поскольку в FoF эти самые модификации стоят дешево и используются почти в каждом манёвре.

Чтобы Оглушить персонажа нужно нанести более [CON + PD] STUN повреждений.
Персонаж наносит 1d6 повреждений за каждые 5 STR, также учитываем вариант когда Сила увеличена.
Параметр PD оставляем равным по умолчанию 2 и не изменяем (одновременный рост CON и PD попросту «задавит» рост STUN повреждений от STR).

20 является условным максимум для обычного персонажа, прирост значений для таких характеристик стоит в два раза дороже.
  • Характеристики 10 (Стандартный HERO персонаж)
    CON: 10
    PD: 2
    Необходимо STUN чтобы Оглушить: 13
    Базовые наносимые повреждения: 2d6
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+0: 0% (13-12)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+5: 25,93% (13-18)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+10: 66,44% (13-24)
  • Характеристики 15
    CON: 15
    PD: 2
    Необходимо STUN чтобы Оглушить: 18
    Базовые наносимые повреждения: 3d6
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+0: 0,46% (18-18)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+5: 15,90% (18-24)
  • Характеристики 20
    CON: 20
    PD: 2
    Необходимо STUN чтобы Оглушить: 23
    Базовые наносимые повреждения: 4d6
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+0: 0,39% (23-24)
    Вероятность оглушения при STR+5: 9,80% (23-30)
Как видно вероятность Оглушения значительно ниже чем в Fuzion, и в рукопашном сражении равных противников её едва ли стоит учитывать.
Конечно, с того момента как в действие вступают суперсилы всё кардинально меняется, но об этом как-нибудь в другой раз.

Итак, определившись с проблемой Fuzion, какие варианты решения можно предложить?

В этоv месте я бы мог написать еще «стену текста», но думаю лучше будет сделать покороче.

Можно внести изменения в формулы расчёта Stun (=Body x6) и/или SD (=CON x3).
По отдельности эти варианты уменьшают вероятность оглушения при рукопашной схватке одинаковых оппонентов, а вместе так вообще исключит вероятность Оглушения (разумеется, при условии что оба оппонента атакуют Ударом кулака (Punch)).

Также можно увеличить стоимость Модификаторов Характеристик из FoF, с
-3 ОР-2 ОР-1 ОР0 ОР1 ОР2 ОР3 ОР
-3 ОР-2 ОР-1 ОР0 ОР1 ОР3 ОР6 ОР

На этом пока всё.
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   Сообщение № 2. 21.1.2014, 20:20, Anno пишет:
Anno ( Offline )

Сообщений: 498

Репутация: 78
Использование захватов.

-2 to Perform; grab target or gradget; -3 Defence for both.
Use this Action to get a grip on an opponent, a weapon, a gadget, or something else.
A successful Grab allows the attacker to hold, pin, choke or throw his opponent; he may also attempt to grab a weapon from his opponent’s grasp. Use an Opposed Skill check to see if you can break out of a Grab (use STR Characteristic plus Hand to Hand, Athletics or Martial Arts (whichever is highest); the attacker suffers -2 to his roll.
When Grabbed, both grabber and grabbee are -3 DEX to all other attacks. The grabber can choose to do his full STR in damage to the grabbee each turn.

Choke: Hold A Grab at -4 REF. 2D6 Killing Attack. And you can't talk while being choked.
A two hand or one arm Grab maneuver (unless you’re really big and your GM allows you to use one hand or arm). Once a successful Choke hold is established, the choker will do 2D6 each phase in killing damage unless the Choke is broken by the victim.

Escape: Escape from Grabs or Entangles, using STR+Athletics (or combat) skill vs opponent's STR+Athletics (or combat) skill.
This is the action of freeing yourself from physical holds, chokes, entanglements or simple traps (like snares or nets). This requires a separate roll using your STR+ Hand to Hand skill against the holder’s Athletics (or Hand to Hand) skills plus their Strength.

Although Fox’s Athletics is 7, her STR is only 3. Brick’s Athletics is only 3, but his STR is 10. The extra 3 point edge easily allows Brick to hold Fox immobilized.

If pitted against a trap, you will use your STR+Athletics Skill against a Difficulty Value set by the GM. On a successful roll, you are free of the hold and may move again. Hand to Hand or Tech-based Skills may also be used in default of Athletics if the GM agrees.

Fists of Fuzion
The effect of this modifier is a Hold I and on a successful roll the player will gain the advantages therein. The player can use this as a defense or an attack.

  • As a defense, he will not be able to dodge, block or parry; his defense will be the grab, like grabbing the hand of an opponent with a sword. Remember, if used as a defense it is subject to defense rules.

  • As an attack there is no damage delivered (unless modified to do so) just the hold and the maneuver is treated as an attack.
If the player has a follow-grapple maneuver it will work even if he has had the target in a hold for 10 rounds, because last round he had him in a grapple.
Once the player establish a grapple on a target he does not need to roll each phase to keep him in it, unless the target tries to escape. If the target tries to escape then the player will have to make a maintain roll. The advantage here is that it will not cost the player a phase to maintain the hold but it does cost the target a phase to attempt an escape.

To escape, the target declares that he is trying to do so. The player and the target roll off, the higher roll wins.
This is Dexterity + Martial Arts verse Dexterity + Martial Arts roll.
Remember to give the player any reflex benefits he received from the initial maneuver.
If the target wins, he is free. In this case, if the player lost initiative then he would lose his action but if he had won initiative his action would have gone before the escape attempt.
Except as noted, the target can do anything he wants except move away from the player. Thus, if he wishes to punch the player in the head, all he has to do is accept the modifier and then go to it. However, throwing the player any distance would be out of the question. If the target wants to move somewhere other then where the player wants him to go, then you must compare strengths. The character with the highest strength may control the direction and velocity of movement up to a distance equal to his the difference of the opponent’s strengths and only up to his move.

See Holds for more information on specific holding modifiers.

Mod: Escape
This modifier is used to counteract a grappling maneuver. It indicates that the player is trained to reposition himself or to use leverage to enhance his potential for escape. When the player uses this modifier he will gain a +3 to his skill roll to break a hold.
Basic Requirements: Grapple

Mod: Holds
Holds cover all forms of grappling, grabbing, holding and restraining. Thus, a maneuver must have grappling included in it to perform any restriction. If a restriction is obtained, the modifiers apply until the player is stunned, knocked out, let’s go or the defender breaks free.
If the player wishes to grapple a certain area then he must assume the minus to his AV to do so. Thus, if the player were trying to perform an arm lock he would assume a -1 to AV to grab the arm. Once a limb has been held however, the player will no longer receive a minus to hit that area.
If the player had a target in a headlock, he could then pound on the target's face all day without an aim modifier for the head.

  • Hold 1:
    This is a basic grab. There is no special maneuvering or holding location. On a success roll the target gains -2 to martial arts AV rolls against the player. In addition, he will be at a minus equal to the amount of strength the player has above him to all evade rolls. If the target's strength is equal to or higher then the player's strength, he will receive no minus for movement.

  • Hold 2:
    This is a hold or a pin. It places the target in a venerable position by snaring the target’s limb(s). The player will entangle and temporarily disable the target’s limb(s). The player can disable as many limbs as he sacrifices himself. On a success roll the target gains -3 to martial arts AV. In addition, he will be at a minus equal to the amount of strength the player has above him to his evade rolls. If the target’s strength is equal to or higher then the player’s strength he will receive no minus for movement.

  • Hold 3:
    This is lock. The player maneuvers a target’s limb(s) into a very painful position so that a nerve is pressed against a joint. This causes the target to abide by the player’s discretion or suffer the consequences. On a success roll the target gains -5 to martial arts AV. Treat this as you would a hold II for all other aspects of the maneuver. If the target wishes to escape by pure strength alone, he will receive killing damage equal to the player’s martial arts level but will be free. In most cases this will snap the limb of the target, rendering it useless. Remember that the limb will only take as much damage as it has to offer.

Choking: If you place a hold on the targets neck and your strength is greater then half of the targets constitution then the target will lose 1 point of body and have a -1 AV every other
phase until the player releases or is forced to release the target. If the target goes below the inverse of his constitution he is dead.
Otherwise, he will regain 1 point of body and AV every other phase after being released. If he goes to or below a 0 body he will become unconscious and will half the recovery rate (unless it’s a Mook). This is not power drain so power defense will not help the target. If, by chance, the target does not need to breathe or has rigid armor around the neck, this can not be done to him.
Basic Requirements: Grapple

Стандартная проверка в HERO выглядит следующим образом:
OCV (Героя) – DCV (Цели) + 11 против 3d6
Проверка считается успешной в случае если значение слева менее либо равно (<=) значению кубиков.

Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Effects: Grab Two Limbs; can Squeeze, Slam, or Throw

Making A Grab
To Grab an opponent, a character must make an Attack Roll with appropriate modifiers. If successful, he has Grabbed his opponent. (As described below under Escaping From Grabs, the victim immediately gets a Casual STR roll to break free, if desired.)

In many cases, a character Grabs his enemy just to hold onto him or prevent him from doing something, but sometimes the Grabber wants to hurt the target at the same time. A character who has Grabbed someone can do either of the following:

  • Squeeze him.
    This does regular STR damage (STR/5 in d6 of Normal Damage) to the victim; the character retains his hold on the victim.

  • Slam him
    against something (such as the ground or a wall). This does regular STR damage (STR/5 in d6 of Normal Damage) to the victim; the character retains his hold on the victim.

  • Throw him,
    using the Throw Combat Maneuver (6E2 80), which requires him to let go of the victim.

If the Grabber chooses to Squeeze, Slam, or Throw the Grabbed character in the same Segment in which he (the Grabber) successfully Grabbed him, the Squeeze, Slam, or Throw does not require an Attack Roll (it automatically succeeds) and takes no time. A character cannot Hold this “free” action; he must use it in that same Segment.

If the Grabber wants to Squeeze, Slam, or Throw his victim in a later Phase, doing so is an Attack Action (it doesn’t automatically succeed, requires an Attack Roll, and so forth). Assume any Grab-and-Throw is a Standing Throw, unless the Grabber begins a Phase with a Grabbed victim and the GM lets him move before making the Throw. If the Attack Roll for a Squeeze or Slam fails, the victim takes no damage but remains Grabbed.

After performing a Grab, in that same Segment a character can only Squeeze, Slam, or Throw the target as an immediate attack. He can’t use any other maneuvers or attacks (unless the GM
so permits, and even in that case, using another attack should mean releasing the Grab in most circumstances). In later Phases he can use any attacks he wants (provided he has the free limbs or
other means to do so).

If a Grab-based Maneuver (such as Martial Grab) provides a STR bonus, that bonus applies solely for the purposes of holding on to the target. It doesn’t increase the damage done by Squeezing, Slamming, or Throwing the target, increase the distance a target can be thrown, or have any other effect. Similarly, characters can use Combat Skill Levels to increase their OCV or DCV when Grabbing, but not the damage done by Squeezing, Slamming, or Throwing.

A character cannot use his Hand-To-Hand Attack to improve the damage done by Squeezing, Slamming, or Throwing a Grabbed character. Nor can characters Haymaker Squeeze, Slam, or Throw damage. Grab-and-Throw damage doesn’t get a bonus from the velocity of the Grabbed character the way a Martial Throw does.

Escaping From Grabs
When a Grabbed character tries to escape from his captor, both characters roll 1d6 for each 5 STR
they have and count the Normal Damage BODY.
If the Grabbed character’s total is higher, he escapes; if the Grabber’s total is higher or the rolls tie, the victim remains Grabbed. Trying to break out of a Grab does no damage to either character.

The rules for Casual Use of STR (6E1 131 - When a character uses a Power Casually, he uses it at half effect (or even less, if he prefers). For example, a character with STR 40 has a “Casual STR” of 20; a character with a Blast 12d6 has a “Casual Blast” of 6d6.) mean very strong characters can effectively ignore Grabs performed by much weaker foes. A Grabbed character should be allowed to roll his Casual STR immediately after being Grabbed, if desired (even if he doesn’t have a Zero Phase Action available; this initial attempt to break free is an Action that takes no time, though the character can only try it once, right after he’s first Grabbed). The Grabbing character uses his entire Grabbing STR to resist this breakout attempt; he’s not restricted to using just his Casual STR.
A character attempting to escape immediately with Casual STR may apply half his STR bonus from an Escape-based Martial Maneuver (such as Martial Escape), but may not apply bonus dice from using Contortionist, a Movement Power, or the like. In later Phases, he may use half the bonuses from Contortionist and/or Movement Powers to increase a Casual STR roll to break out, but using either or both converts the use of Casual STR to a Half Phase Action. He can add full Contortionist and/or Movement Power bonuses to a normal, full-STR damage roll to break free.
A character cannot Abort his next Phase to use his full STR the very same moment he’s Grabbed, unless the GM specifically permits this on the grounds that it’s “defensive” because being free from a Grab prevents the character from suffering a DCV penalty.
A character may not use a Ranged Attack that exerts force (such as a Blast) to break free from a
Grab, even if it has the No Range Limitation.

The standard rules for Grab indicate that the victim’s STR damage roll to break free must exceed the Grabber’s roll — in other words, ties go to the Grabber, not the victim. As an option, the GM can rule that ties go to the stronger character. That way a character with, say, STR 41 derives a little benefit from spending that extra point when he’s wrestling with a character who has STR 40.
See 6E2 124 for more information on escaping Grabs, including the time required and the Actions available to the character after he breaks free.

The standard CV penalties for performing a successful Grab are:

  • Grabber:
    1/2 DCV against all attackers (including Grabbed character)
    Full OCV against the Grabbed character
    1/2 OCV against other targets (if attacks are possible at all)

  • Grabbed:
    1/2 DCV against all attackers (including Grabber)
    -3 OCV against the Grabber (if attacks are possible at all)
    1/2 OCV against other targets (if attacks are possible at all)

At the GM’s option, if the Grabber’s STR is 20 or more points higher than the Grabbed character’s STR, change the penalties to the following:

  • Grabber:
    -2 DCV against all attackers (including Grabbed character)
    Full OCV against the Grabbed character
    -1 OCV against other targets (if attacks are possible at all)

Breaking Out Of Entangles And Grabs

  • If a Grabbed character’s attempt to break out of a Grab does twice as much BODY on his STR Roll as the BODY rolled for the Grabber’s STR Roll, the Grabbed character frees himself and has a Full Phase in which to act.

  • If the Grabbed character’s attempt to break free does enough BODY to break free (i.e., more BODY than rolled by the character Grabbing him), but less than twice the BODY on the Grabber’s STR Roll, the Grabbed character is free, but may take no more Actions that Phase.

At the GM’s option, a character doesn’t have to make a complete escape from a Grab or Entangle. Instead, he can try to free only one limb, which he can then use as he sees fit. This allows +5 STR on the attempt to escape or break free, since he can concentrate his efforts on freeing just one limb. (This rule only applies to Grabs that target more than one limb; if Grabbed with a Maneuver that by definition only Grabs one limb, such as a Choke Hold, characters have to break out using the regular rules.)

Захваты оказались довольно запутанной темой, в которой нам с bookwarrior`ом не удалось прийти к однозначному мнению. И кажется настало время разобраться в сути вопроса.

Первое что бросается в глаза в описании данного манёвра в Fuzion - это отсутствие чёткого разделения на такие разные действия как Взять противника в захват и Удерживать противника в захвате, дана лишь одна взаимная проверка с использованием Силы.
Кончено, можно предположить что она используется в обоих случаях, однако при таком раскладе у персонажа появляется атака в которой Сила отвечает не только за наносимые повреждения, но и за Точность. В этом случае Захват становится исключительно удобным средством ведения боя для персонажей с большой Силой и низкими Рефлексами.

В остальном же Захват проводится с пенальти -2 AV, в случае успеха позволяет удерживать, обездвижить, выполнить болевой приём или вырвать из рук оппонента предмет за который совершен захват.
Также, оба оппонента получают пенальти -3 DEX к защите от всех сторонних атак.

Fists of Fuzion вносит значительные правки, но отнюдь не исчерпывающие:

Как стандартный манёвр, Захват производится без каких-либо пенальти (да, в приложении написано Ev -2, но не указанно во что эти 2 СР переходят, что делает манёвр несбалансированным по стоимости).

Вводятся степени Удержания - I, II и III, аналогов чего в HERO не существует.
Находясь в удержании Цель получает пенальти к точности атак против персонажа и, в случае если Сила удерживающего больше, пенальти к уклонению от всех атак.
Пенальти к защите от атак производимых сторонними персонажами не оговариваются (хотя, наверно, подразумевается что они выражаются модификацией Ev для манёвров против оппонента в Удержании и пенальти к уклонению в случае если Сила удерживающего больше).
Помимо прочего, FoF оговаривает количество задействованных во время Захвата конечностей, хотя, в рамках известной мне механики Fuizon эта информация является не такой важной.

Захват с удушением получает отдельную механику.
Для Болевых приёмов, по видимому, должен использоваться дополнительный модификатор Смертельный (Killing).

Но самое главное - очень спорной становится механика Высвобождения.
Формула проверки принимает новый вид: Dexterity + Martial Arts verse Dexterity + Martial Arts roll
Почему авторы поставили Ловкость вместо Силы?
Скажу честно – не знаю, но Сила здесь гараздо уместнее.

В тексте указанно что Захват может быть использован как в атакующем манёвре, так и в защитном. В обоих случаях это попытка схватить предмет или конечность оппонента.
Но что же тогда Высвобождение (Escape)?

И вот касательно действия модификатора Высвобождение наши с bookwarrior`ом мнения разошлись. Самым главным вопросом стал:
Распространяется ли на Высвобождение пенальти к Боевым Искусствам от Удержания?

В своём варианте я кажется разобрался:
В приложении, в таблице манёвров захватов, есть два весь интересных манёвра:

  • Escape: Grapple: Escape

  • Hold Reversal: Grapple: Escape + Hold 2
Первый вариант прямо указывает на то как выглядит улучшенное Высвобождение, поскольку манёвр стоит 2 СР и даёт баёт бонус +3 AV (причём, я так думаю, это единственный способ получить прибавку AV в данном манёвре).

Следовательно стандартный манёвр Высвобождения должен выглядеть:

  • Escape (Standard): Grapple
По сути это недокументированная защита доступная только в состоянии Удержания - попытка не схватить оппонента, а вырваться из его хватки.

Так что на счёт пенальти?
Пенальти к AV Боевых Искусств и уклонению от Удержания не распространяются на проверку Высвобождения, единственным модификатором является AV манёвра с помощью которого был совершен Захват.
В этом случае шанс высвободиться из Удержания I, II или III одинаков (при условии что AV манёвра-захвата одинаков). Может это не совсем реалистично, но честно в плане цифр (бонус AV манёвра компенсируется бонусом AV от доп.Модификатора Высвобождение).

Теперь вспомним про Hold Reversal.
Этот манёвр уже больше похож на типичную атаку и поэтому на него пенальти AV от Удержания распространяются в полном объёме.
Есть мнение что манёвр записан неверно и должен выглядеть:
Hold Reversal: Grapple: Escape / Grapple: Hold 2
но это только предположение.

HERO не очень большое внимание уделяет технике боя с использованием захватов.

Захват проводится с пенальти точности -1 OCV и защиты -2 DCV, помимо прочего оппонент может моментально защититься при помощи повседневной (уполовиненной) Силы.
В случае успешного захвата позволяет Сжать, Ударить или Бросить оппонента (сразу и/или в последующую фазу).
Оба оппонента получают пенальти к защите от всех сторонних атак и пенальти к точности атак против всех сторонних объектов. Единственным преимуществом персонажа успешно осуществившим захват является пенальти к точности атак осуществляемым против него удерживаемым оппонентом.

Высвобождение осуществляется при помощи взаимных проверок Силы.
В случае если Герой пытается высвободить только одну конечность он получает бонус +5 Силы.

В случае Захватов сравнение Fuzion и HERO нам мало что даёт, поэтому чтобы расставить все модификаторы по местам я хочу слегка коснуться третьей системы и одного из её дополнений, а именно GURPS Basic Set 4ed и GURPS: Technical Grappling.

GURPS Basic Set
Grappling (pp. B370)
“Grappling” is an attempt to grab your foe’s body.
You must have at least one empty hand. On a game board, you must also move into your foe’s hex (“close combat”).
Each attempt requires an Attack, All-Out Attack, or Move and Attack maneuver. Roll against basic DX or a grappling skill to hit. Your foe may defend normally – he can parry, dodge, or block. You may Evaluate or Feint beforehand to improve your odds of success.
Grappling does no damage, but if you successfully hit, the foe has -4 to DX as long as you’re holding on. He may not move away until he breaks free (see Actions After Being Grappled, p. 371) or you let go. Exception: If you grapple a foe of more than twice your ST, you do not prevent him from moving away – you’re just extra encumbrance for him!
You may grapple with any or all of your arms. If you grapple with more than two arms, each arm beyond the first two gives a bonus of +2 to hit. An arm committed to grappling cannot make unarmed parries until you let go. Letting go is a free action on your turn.
If you are holding onto your foe with all your arms, the only further attacks you can make are those listed under Actions After a Grapple.

Break Free
If you are grappled, you cannot move away until you break free by winning a Quick Contest of ST. Your foe has +5 if he is grappling you with two hands. If he has you pinned, he rolls at +10 if using two hands or at +5 if using only one, and you may only attempt to break free once every 10 seconds. If either of you has three or more arms, each arm beyond the first two gives +2. If your foe is stunned, he rolls at -4; if he falls unconscious, you are automatically free! If you successfully break free, you may immediately move one yard in any direction.

  • Попытка Захвата требует проверки DX или Навыка.

  • Удерживаемый оппонент получает -4 DX

  • Высвобождение проводится не чаще одного раза в 10 сек. Быстрым Состязанием ST
    +5 за использование при удержании двух рук.
    +5 если оппонент полностью обездвижен и для захвата используются одна рука.
    +10 если оппонент полностью обездвижен и для захвата используются две руки.
    +2 за каждую дополнительную руку после двух.
    -4 если Оглушён.

GURPS Technical Grappling
Control Points
When using Technical Grappling, there are various degrees of “grappled.” A successful grappling attack inflicts Control Points (CP) that hinder your foe’s actions. Control Points are analogous to damage or an affliction (rather than a character’s store of Hit Points or Fatigue Points).
Determine how many CP you apply by looking up your Trained ST on the Damage Table (pp. B16 or 48), using the “Thrust” column.

Active Control
Once achieved, Control Points may be maintained until you let go, expend them, or your foe breaks free. While you maintain them, your opponent is less able to resist effectively. These CP and the penalties they inflict are called active control.

Active control reduces the coordination and power that a grappled subject can bring to bear, lowering his ST and DX while the CP are maintained. Every full 2 CP inflicted give -1 to ST and DX for actions  involving that body part.

Active control replaces the usual -4 to DX from a successful grappling attack (p. B370).

Maximum Control Points
There’s only so much restraint a weaker or less-skilled individual can apply to a stronger and more skilled opponent. In a realistic game, the amount of CP a grappler is maintaining cannot exceed his Trained ST. This replaces the injunction against grappling those of more than twice your strength on p. B370.
Weapons act as levers, multiplying power and increasing the maximum CP: Flexible weapons allow up to 1.5.(Trained ST), while rigid melee weapons (see Characteristics of Grappling Weapons, pp. 14-16) raise this to 2.(Trained ST).
In cinematic games, the GM might raise or eliminate these limits.

Дополнение вводит термин Единиц Контроля, которые, накапливаясь в результате атак захватом, увеличивают пенальти к ST и DX удерживаемого персонажа, и могут быть израсходованы для получения бонуса в проверках связанных с действиями при удержании.

Ну и что можно сказать в заключении?
В классическом Fuzion и HERO захваты не особо выделяются и от них больше ограничений чем выгоды.
В GURPS всё интересно, закручено и сложно, на то он и ГУРПС.

Что касается Fists of Fuzion, то там лучше чем в классике, но вечно что-то не совсем понятное, чего-то не хватает, и приходится додумывать собственной головой.

   Сообщение № 3. 29.1.2014, 21:05, Anno пишет:
Anno ( Offline )

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В этот раз я вновь хочу поговорить о механизмах защиты с использованием кубиков, т.е. об уклонении и всем с ним связанным.

В качестве защитных манёвров использующих действие, персонажу доступны:
  • Блок (Парирование) (Block/Parry)
    Позволяет сделать дополнительную защитную проверку (DEX + Skill + dice) против атаки от которой персонаж не смог увернуться при помощи Стандартного Уклонения.
  • Уворот (Dodge)
    Увеличивает результат проверок Стандартного Уклонения в течение текущей фазы на +3.
Также есть Прыжок в Укрытие (Dive For Cover) - специальный вид защиты против Атак по Области.

Персонаж может использовать защитный манёвр (Блок, Уворот) во время своего хода или объявить Прерывание (Abort) и использовать защиту (Блок, Уворот или Прыжок в Укрытие) сразу после атаки противника, в этом случае он теряет своё следующее действие (в текущей или следующей фазе).

В качестве пассивной защиты (без траты хода) персонаж может использовать Стандартное Уклонение.
Выглядит: DEX + Любой подходящий Навык (Атлетика, Боевые Искусства, Уклонение в рукопашном бою или Уклонение в ближнем бою) + кубик против Результата Атаки противника.

Блок более серьёзно расписан и имеет некоторые дополнения в своём функционале:
Using Block
A character who wants to Block must declare his intention before his attacker makes an Attack Roll. To attempt a Block, he must make an Attack
Roll against his opponent’s OCV (not DCV). This is his opponent’s OCV as modified by the attack the opponent is making and any other factors, not his unmodified base OCV. If he succeeds, he Blocks the attack and takes no damage (and no Knockdown or Knockback). Furthermore, if these two characters both have their next Phases in the same Segment, the character who Blocked automatically gets to act first, regardless of relative DEX (the Blocking character’s opponent is delayed until after the Blocking character’s DEX; see below). Blocks only affect Ranged attacks with the GM’s permission, according to special rules (see below). Using Block counts as an Attack Action. If the Block misses, the attack doesn’t automatically hit the Blocker; the attacker still has to succeed with his Attack Roll to hit the Blocking character’s DCV. The CV bonuses obtained from
Block are general ones; they apply against all characters, not just against the attacker the character attempts to Block.
A character can normally Block any HTH Combat attack, including Disarms, Chokes, Grabs/Grab Bys, Move Bys/Throughs, sword blows (see below), most No Range attacks (unless the GM rules otherwise), and so forth. However, the GM must consider common sense, dramatic sense, and game balance when determining what attacks a character can Block.

Multiple Blocks
A character who has successfully Blocked one attack can Block additional attacks made against him (by the same or different characters). He may make these additional attempts to Block in the same Phase or later Segments before his next Phase (this doesn’t count as Aborting to Block; it’s just an extension of the initial Block). Each additional roll is made at a cumulative -2 penalty (second Block -2 , third Block -4, and so on). If the character misses any of his Blocks, he cannot Block further attacks. If he attempts to Block an attack in a Segment in which he doesn’t have a Phase, he cannot Abort in that Segment.
If a character Aborts to Block, and then continues to Block other attacks in later Segments after he Aborted, he may continue to Block in the Segment in which his next Phase occurs, but before his Phase occurs.
However, the GM may, in his discretion, change these rules, and/or impose an OCV penalty (or other appropriate penalty) on the Action the character takes when his Phase arises.
If a character successfully Blocks attacks from multiple opponents, he gets the “may act first in the next Phase, if they share it” benefit against all of them.
There’s no absolute limit to the number of Blocks a character can perform, though the penalty for multiple Blocks imposes a practical limit.

Насчёт Уклонения:
This Maneuver allows a character to avoid an attack. A character performing a Dodge can’t attack, but is much harder to hit - he adds +3 DCV against all attacks.
Characters can Abort to Dodge. Using Dodge counts as an Attack Action.
Dodge has no effect against Area Of Effect attacks and other attacks that affect an Area - those attacks apply against the DCV 3 of the target point, so the target’s DCV is irrelevant. This applies even to HTH Combat attacks bought with those Advantages.
Some attacks, such as Multiple Attack, involve a sequence of attacks directed at the target in which if one of the attacks misses, all subsequent attacks automatically miss. For these purposes, successfully Dodging one of the attacks in the sequence counts as a “miss” and ends the sequence of attacks.

Насчёт Прыжка в Укрытие:
Using Dive For Cover
To use Dive For Cover, the character chooses a target point to move to, then makes a DEX Roll with a penalty of -1 for every 2m of distance moved (or fraction thereof). A character can only Dive For Cover up to half his maximum movement with the mode of movement used in the Maneuver.
If the DEX Roll succeeds, the character is at the designated target point when the attack goes off. He’s considered to be prone (and thus at half DCV) until the next Phase in which he can act. If the DEX Roll fails, the character is considered to be in the air at his starting location.
This means he hasn’t automatically avoided the attack, and if it hits him, the GM rolls 1d6 less for calculating Knockback (if the campaign uses the Knockback rules). It doesn’t change his DCV or when he next acts (though if he Aborted to Dive For Cover, that obviously factors in). The “in the air” penalties and consequences apply until the character’s next Phase. (Of course, he doesn’t literally remain “in midair” the entire time — all this means is that the penalties and consequences of failing the Dive For Cover roll remain in effect until his next Phase.) At that point, he “lands” and is “prone”; he must spend a Half Phase to “get up.” If he was hit while in midair, that may affect the situation by causing Knockback, Stunning him, or the like, and the GM should deal with that situation normally. If the attack has no significant effect on the character other than the loss of some STUN and/or BODY, he still “lands” in his next Phase as described above.
Dive For Cover is an Attack Action. A character Diving for Cover may not perform any other Maneuver (like Dodge or Block). A character can Abort to Dive For Cover.
Some attacks, such as Multiple Attack, involve a sequence of attacks directed at the target in which if one of the attacks misses, all subsequent attacks automatically miss. For these purposes, a successful use of Dive For Cover counts as a “miss” and ends the sequence of attacks.
A character cannot use Breakfall or Acrobatics to avoid the DCV penalty for Dive For Cover, or to avoid being prone after a Dive For Cover (though when he’s allowed to stand up from being prone, he can use Breakfall to accomplish that as a Zero Phase Action). Nor may he use either Skill as a  Complementary Roll” for the DEX Roll to Dive For Cover.

In most situations, a character must declare his Dive For Cover before his attacker makes an Attack Roll or announces what type of attack he’s using — when the weapon’s pointed at him but not yet fired, so to speak. Otherwise, problems may arise if a character declares some other defensive Action (primarily a Dodge or Block), then tries to switch to a Dive For Cover when he discovers his attacker’s
using an Areaaffecting attack.
While some Area-affecting attacks (such as grenades, flamethrowers, or Areaaffecting attacks previously encountered) are obvious (and thus alert the character to Dive For Cover instead of Dodging or Blocking), others are not. The existence of the Dive For Cover Maneuver doesn’t grant characters prescient knowledge of the types of attacks used against them.
A character can Dive For Cover two or more times in a row, provided the special effects and timing allow for that. For example, a character who Dives For Cover and ends up prone, but is attacked in a later Segment before he’s had a chance to get to his feet, might not be allowed to Dive For Cover again, since he hasn’t had a chance to reorient himself and get into a position that would allow him to move quickly again. But in some campaigns, the GM might let characters who are “prone” Dive For Cover by scrambling, rolling, or crawling out of the way.

Насчёт прерываний:
Typically a character must declare an Abort when an attacker announces he’s attacking that character, but before any rolls are made. A character can’t wait to see whether an Attack Roll misses, and if it hits, then declare an Abort (unless, of course, the GM permits this for the sake of drama).
Aborting an Action requires the character’s next full Phase to perform — in essence, the character uses his next Phase “early” to protect himself. If he’s Holding a Phase or Half Phase, he may Abort to use his Held Action to perform a defensive Action; in that case he doesn’t lose any more Phases. If a character Aborts his next Phase, he can’t act until the Phase after that.

Some valid defensive Actions for Aborting include:
  • Block (including any Martial Maneuvers with the Block Element).
  • Dodge (including any Martial Maneuvers with the Dodge Element).
  • Dive For Cover (see text).
  • Any Combat or Martial Maneuver with the Abort Element.
  • Activating a Defense Power (this includes shifting the allocation of points in a Power Framework to use a Defense Power; shifting the allocation of Combat Skill Levels that can improve DCV; Triggering a Defense Power; and switching forms, shapes, or identities to obtain more defense or protection).
  • Activating any Power that provides a character with more points of defense (for example, Density Increase, Growth Linked to Resistant Protection) or some other significant form of protection (such as
  • Decelerating or turning while moving, operating a vehicle, or riding a mount.
  • Resisting Knockback with STR or Flight.
  • Use of any other Maneuver, activation/use of any other Power, or performing any other Action deemed by the GM to be primarily for purposes of defending or protecting the character.

Fists of Fuzion
With this modifier the maneuver allows the player to avoid 100% of the intended damage. The damage is misdirected, stopped or completely avoided.
Performing a defense has several inherent advantages but you must first choose which type of defense you are doing to determine the modifiers you will receive. There are 4 different types to choose from and they are Block, Dodge, Evasion and Parry. Their descriptions and modifiers are listed below. Another benefit to performing a defensive maneuver is that there is no endurance cost unless the maneuver involves an effect to the target (like damage or throw). For defense maneuvers, as opposed to a standard evade, ties do not go to the defender, they indicate a non-result (no one's maneuver works).
  • Block
    This is an interception using a body part to stop or change the movement of an opponents attacking body part. Blocks are fairly easy to perform so they receive +1 to AV. They also set off an opponent's predicted movement so you will also receive +2 to initiative the next phase if the block is successfully pulled off. If a block is used against a weapon the player will lose the bonus to AV.
  • Dodge
    This type of defense is very subtle. It indicates a slight sidestep, a duck, a jump, bob or weave. If successfully pulled off the player will receive a +2 to AV and +1 to Initiative in the next phase due to the positioning of the player.
  • Parry
    This defense is the same, as block but requires the use of a weapon (the bonus is not lost if used against another weapon).
  • Evasion
    To perform a dodge, the player must move at least one hex in any direction except the hex occupied by the attacker. If the player has movement left he can use as much of it as he wants or if he has Aerial attached to the maneuver he may move up to his entire jump.
    If the player declares a jump he may even move over the target. If the player has no movement left he may move one hex away from the attacker. The player's movement will give him +3 AV verses the number of targets the maneuver can account for. Or, it can add +2 to Evasion for all attacks against the player.
    The maneuver may not include advanced modifiers that directly effect a target. So throw, grounding and holds are out of the question. You cannot add a second portion to the maneuver, like a Grab or a Strike. A dodge is meant to get the player clean out of harms way.
  • Roll
    This modifier causes the player to take half damage from an attack in addition to all other damaging effects. This includes normal damage, killing damage and flash effects. Grounding, x2 KB, holds, dislocation and throws are normal. Unlike other defense maneuvers, the player allows the target to strike him and rolls with the blow. This is perhaps the easiest type of defense to perform so the player will receive +3 AV.

Вообще в FoF многие мало того что поставлены «с ног на голову» так ещё и не объяснены толком и не секрет что подобных моментов очень много.

Самым большим секретом остаётся сам процесс сражения.
Вроде бы есть параметр Инициатива, отвечающий за порядок ходов, но вот некоторые манёвры подразумевают одновременное противодействие сразу нескольким атакам.

Это как?

В этом есть смысл если допустим в сражении участвуют две стороны, участники каждой из которых совершают свой ход одновременно (классическая пошаговая модель), и в этом случае возможно что несколько персонажей атакуют одну цель все вместе и сразу.

Также есть вариант когда группа персонажей с одинаковой инициативой (или совершающих ходы друг за другом) атакует одну цель, однако этот случае подразумевает непрерывный учёт инициативы и прочие сложности.

Поэтому я всё же предпочитаю использовать стандартную процедуру описанную в Classic Fuzion – инициатива определяет порядок ходов персонажей, на своём ходу персонаж может выполнить одно действие.

Еще одной проблемой является правило: 1 манёвр - 1 бросок кубиков.
Хотя это и кажется упрощением, но на деле мы опять же сталкиваемся с определёнными проблемами.

Теперь о защитным манёврам.
  • Блок
    Защита с +1 AV и +2In вроде бы неплохо, однако каким образом бонусы AV сочетаются с Доп.модификатором Бонус характеристик? (если они складываются то, теоретически, бонус можно развить до +4AV что превышает максимально доступный бонус от атаки +3 в результате чего при равных характеристиках вероятность успешности защитного манёвра составляет 64%).

    В рамках классическом Fuzion и HERO Блок является дополнительной попыткой остановить атаку, кроме проверки Стандартного Уклонения. В классическом Fuzion она проводится после, а в HERO до атаки оппонента. Также стоит упомянуть что в HERO успешный Блок может продолжает действовать (с определённым пенальти) вплоть до начала следующего хода персонажа.

    Если представить что Блок даёт преимущество в проверке (Успех при ничейном Результате) но не даёт бонус AV, то в равных условиях персонаж использующий Блок может избежать атаки с вероятностью 75%.

    В HERO успешный Блок может быть использован повторно в течении данной фазе, но с пенальти -2.

    В данный момент я не вижу ничего плохого в том чтобы использовать Блок как в HERO при помощи Бонусов Характеристик (AV и Init) и Множество (для того чтобы использовать Блок несколько раз подряд).

    И вот ещё.
    Несмотря на то что Парирование включено в список, на самом деле всего лишь «название» для фрагмента вида Защита (Блок): Оружие, который всё также стоит персонажу 1 СР. Единственным его преимуществом перед Рукопашным блоком является отсутствие потери бонуса к AV во время использования против атак оружием, хотя тут встаёт вопрос «А можно ли использовать Парирование против рукопашных атак, и получает ли оно бонус AV при этом?».
  • Уклонение
    С точки зрения механики – ничем не отличается от блока и даже лучше его, поскольку бонус AV не теряется против атак оружием.

    Чтобы разделить этот вид защиты и Блок я бы предложил вести ограничения:
    • Чтобы использовать Уклонение персонаж должен иметь возможность удалиться от противника (ну скажем сделать шаг в ближайший гекс не смежный с гексом где находится противник) совершающего атаку.
    • Успешное Уклонение нельзя использовать повторно.
    • С Уклонением могут быть использованы следующие Бонусы Характеристик (AV, Init и EV)

  • Уворот
    To perform a dodge, the player must move at least one hex in any direction except the hex occupied by the attacker. If the player has movement left he can use as much of it as he wants or if he has Aerial attached to the maneuver he may move up to his entire jump.
    If the player declares a jump he may even move over the target. If the player has no movement left he may move one hex away from the attacker. The player's movement will give him +3 AV verses the number of targets the maneuver can account for. Or, it can add +2 to Evasion for all attacks against the player.
    The maneuver may not include advanced modifiers that directly effect a target. So throw, grounding and holds are out of the question. You cannot add a second portion to the maneuver, like a Grab or a Strike. A dodge is meant to get the player clean out of harms way.

    Стандартный Dodge из HERO не требует какой либо проверки и даёт бонус +3 к DCV, в классическом Fuizon почти тоже самое (+2EV).

    А вот насчёт использования этой защиты написано намного меньше чем хотелось бы, и вообще много спорных моментов.

    По описанию данный манёвр имеет определённые сходства с Dive for Cover из HERO, но:
    • В HERO сложность манёвра зависит от дальности «прыжка»; в FoF от проверки между оппонентом и Целью.
    • В HERO расстояние «прыжка» ограничено 1/2 от режима передвижения; в FoF можно использовать всё доступное движение.
    • В HERO манёвр нельзя использовать после совершения Full Move; в FoF можно сделать шаг назад.
Об остальных вариантах защиты с кубиком я напишу немного позже.

   Сообщение № 4. 29.1.2014, 21:24, bookwarrior пишет:
bookwarrior ( Offline )
заслуженный мимокрокодил форума

Владыка Тьмы
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Репутация: 220
Защита с +1 AV и +2In вроде бы неплохо, однако каким образом бонусы AV сочетаются с Доп.модификатором Бонус характеристик? (если они складываются то, теоретически, бонус можно развить до +4AV что превышает максимально доступный бонус от атаки +3 в результате чего при равных характеристиках вероятность успешности защитного манёвра составляет 64%).

И это хорошо! Посмотрите любой боксерский поединок, или фехтовальный, и сравните количество выброшенных ударов с количеством попавших. Даже 36% выброшенных ударов, попадающие в цель означают, что защищающийся просто зря поставлен на этот бой, и вместо 12 раундов бой продлится 3-4.

   Сообщение № 5. 30.1.2014, 21:38, Anno пишет:
Anno ( Offline )

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  • Кувырок

    Небольшое исследование показало что родом этот манёвр из HERO.
    Roll With A Punch allows a character to take less damage from a HTH attack. This Maneuver is unique because a character may perform it after he’s been struck by an opponent’s attack (i.e., after the opponent’s Attack Roll succeeds, but before he rolls damage).
    To Roll With A Punch, the character must make an Attack Roll against his attacker’s OCV (like Block); this roll has a -2 OCV penalty. If successful, the character takes only half the STUN and BODY that the attack would have normally done. (Halve the total after defenses have been applied.) However, the attacker rolls one less die for Knockback (making it more likely the character takes Knockback).
    A character may not Roll With A Punch against multiple attacks; he can only use the Maneuver to reduce the effects of single attack.
    Unless the GM rules otherwise, the effects of Rolling With A Punch apply to any sort of HTH Combat attack - physical punches, a sword, poisoned claws, an energy gauntlet, or the like. However, the Maneuver’s most appropriate for attacks that do damage from physical impact (such as an actual punch), and the GM may restrict Rolling With A Punch to such attacks if he feels that makes more sense.
    A character may Abort to Roll With A Punch. However, he cannot do so if he’s unable to act or Abort to an Action.
    For example, if he’s tried to Dodge or Block the attack and failed, he cannot Roll With A Punch because he’s now unable to act or Abort. A character cannot Roll With A Punch after an unsuccessful Block or Dodge, whether he Aborted to the Block or Dodge or not.
    This Maneuver is most appropriate for Superheroic campaigns, but is also applicable to Heroic campaigns.

    В трактовке оригинала это «последняя линия обороны» позволяющая отразить половину (гарантированно) получаемых повреждений (после учёта брони) и это далеко не «perhaps the easiest type of defense to perform».

    Если уж адаптировать то в рамках FoF «кувырок» мне видится очень полезным в защите типичных «Бриков» (ну или «Танков», если хотите). Высокий бонус AV (и мне кажется его даже можно складывать с Бонус Характеристик (AV)) с большой вероятностью позволяет защититься даже при небольшом значении DEX, а добавив Удар или Захват можно проводить контратаки против персонажей с высокими REF и DEX.

   Сообщение № 6. 30.1.2014, 21:50, bookwarrior пишет:
bookwarrior ( Offline )
заслуженный мимокрокодил форума

Владыка Тьмы
Сообщений: 7460

Репутация: 220
Думал об этом, но проблема в том, что кувырок не отменяет эффектов. Даже при удачном кувырке удар, направленный в виталсы пойдет мимо поглощения станов, и даже после ополовинивания снимит много. А удар с дислокейтом все равно вывихнет конечность.

Вообще, как-то мне показалось, что печальна судьба брика в FoF. Показалось, потому что не протестили.

Думаю, надо просто иметь больше тестов, прежде чем размышлять о доведении хоумрулами до совершенства.

   Сообщение № 7. 31.1.2014, 20:55, Anno пишет:
Anno ( Offline )

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В последний раз когда мы заговорили о «Кувырке» были упомянуто о дополнительных эффектах распространяющихся на защищающегося персонажа, а именно
This modifier will allow the player to disable a limb by dislocating it. The target will not be able to use the limb until it has been reset. In addition, the target will be at a –2 AV due to his unbalanced motion. If the target has First Aid level of at least 3 or has a dislocating maneuver of his own he can take 1 phase and reset it. For that phase he can do nothing else and for the next phase he will be stunned due to the pain.
Basic Requirements: Strike or Grapple

Works much like the power but is an existing element in martial arts today. This is an attack that effects one sense group as opposed to delivering damage. A successful roll will disable the target's sensory group for the number of phases indicated. The modifiers are listed in the powers plug-in at this sight. Or, you may use the base fusion rules. When placing flash in a maneuver the designer must indicate which sensory group he is effecting. This can not be added to a power or ranged weapon (use the modifier Power for that). If added to strike, no damage is delivered only the effect of the flash. There are no changes for a grapple. To use flash you must aim at a vital area or purchase vital in the maneuver. This could be the eyes, ears or even a nerve cluster. When designing the maneuver, the player should specify which one the maneuver will always effect. Examples would be an eye rake, ear pop or nerve strike. A nerve strike will disable a limb for the indicated amount of time. If the neck is chosen then the target will become grounded and may only make standard evades until the effects wear off.
Basic Requirements: Strike or Grapple

This is a very specialized form of attack. The player will attempt to strike a vital point on a target. The body is covered with these vital points and upon a successful strike, the target will not be able use SD (PD) as a defense. The player does not need to make an aimed attack but will have to name the strike location just for flavor. Some of the vital points are behind the ear, the solar plexus, the center of the wrist, the temples, the armpit, center of the triceps and the groin. There are no knock back effects delivered from a vital strike and cannot be modified to do so. This is because most vital attacks are done with a small surface attack like finger tip or phoenix eye fist and concentrate all their damage to a very small location. This is technical move not a power move.
Basic Requirements: Strike

Я как-то сразу вспомнил что видел нечто подобное в дополнениях, и минуя корник HERO 6ed, отправился копаться в дебрях The Ultimate Martial Artist для HERO 5ed.
Nerve Strike
The HERO System 5th Edition describes two basic types of NND (No Normal Defense) strikes and their possible defenses:
  • For a Nerve Strike
    Solid Armor (resistant PD) or a PD Force Field or Lack of Weakness (“NND(1)”);
  • For a Choke Hold
    Solid Armor (resistant PD) on the neck or not having to breathe (“NND(2)”).
These options are perfectly acceptable for most campaigns, but can cause problems in Superheroic campaigns or other games where those defenses are common (which makes the maneuvers useless).
If this problem exists in your campaign, there’s a twofold solution: first, define the defenses to a Nerve Strike better; second, offer more potential defenses, so Nerve Strikes have some variety.
As always, the GM has the final say on what defenses are acceptable. Here`s an expanded list of possible defenses, with explanations:
  • NND 1: Rigid resistant PD on vital areas or Lack of Weakness
    The NND(1) defense requires the target to have solid, rigid resistant PD over his vital points. “Rigid” means a sufficiently solid defense to prevent the attacker from being contacting the target`s vital points. The stereotypical “bulletproof spandex” worn by many superheroes is not stiff enough for this purpose. Nor does the super-strong skin of most “brick” characters suffice, since they still have nerve endings a trained martial artist can find and strike. A brick with tough “plates” in place of skin, or who transforms into rock or metal, probably has “rigid” defenses, as does any brick who took Reduced Sense Of Touch as a Physical Limitation because his supertough skin prevents him from feeling things properly. Suits of powered armor, kevlar backed by ceramic or steel plates, PD Force Fields, and similar types of resistant PD block this Nerve Strike, as do most forms of Lack of Weakness (though not, for example, a Lack Of Weakness defined as preventing the attacker from seeing the weak points).
    “Vital points” are particularly vulnerable places on the body. They include nerve clusters close to the skin, places where an attack can quickly and easily cut off blood flow (such as the neck), places where vital organs are relatively close to the skin, locations where an attack can easily interrupt the flow of ch`i throughout the body, and so forth. In campaigns featuring a wide variety of humanoid species, such as some science fiction settings, a martial artist may have to buy a Science Skill reflecting his knowledge of a particular species`s anatomy to use this type of Nerve Strike against that species. An NND(1) may have no effect, or reduced effect, on some species (particularly non-humanoid ones).
  • NND 2: Rigid resistant PD on the neck or not having to breathe
    This is the defense for Choke Holds and other NND strikes which cut off the target`s ability to breathe. The general comments about defenses appropriate for NND(1) apply here as well.
  • NND 3: Rigid resistant PD on a specific Hit Location
    NND(3) is the defense for a Nerve Strike which always targets a specific nerve cluster or vital point. The character must defi ne the target point when he buys the Nerve Strike. As with other attacks targeting a particular Hit Location, such a strike should not receive any to-hit or damage modifiers because of the location struck.
  • NND 4: Solid ear coverings
    NND(4) is the defense for a Nerve Strike defined as clapping one`s palms against the target`s ears, causing terrible pain (and sometimes disorientation). A “bulletproof spandex” mask or super-strong skin offers no protection against this sort of attack; a helmet, earphone-like gadgets, or having no ears would.
  • NND 5: Resistance
    NND(5) attacks cause so much agony that only characters who can withstand a high level of pain (i.e., who have bought the Talent Resistance) have any defense against them. In some cases, unusual nervous systems and certain other powers or abilities might also act as a defense against this NND.
  • NND 6: PD Force Field or Power Defense
    NND(6) usually represents some sort of mystical, ch’i/ki-based ability to hurt a target by attacking his life force. Only a PD Force Field or Power Defense offers enough protection to save someone from this sort of attack.
  • NND 7: Various defenses against joint-bending;
    Characters use NND(7) to simulate the excruciating pain caused by maneuvers which bend or torque a joint in a way it’s not supposed to move. The defenses against this include Resistance, having rigid armor on the joint in question which prevents improper bending, Powers with a similar effect (such as Stretching), or STR (as a Characteristic or Exert maneuver) double or more that of the STR used to bend the joint. In some cases the Talent Double-Jointed may have the same effect. Refer to the discussion of joint-locks and similar maneuvers, above, for more information.

Characters can use Nerve Strikes to temporarily Impair or Disable a limb. Refer to the discussion of Disabling Attacks in the Combat Modifiers, Special Cases, and Optional Rules section of this book.

Sometimes a character benefits most in combat not by doing raw STUN to an opponent but by disabling or weakening him so he fights less effectively, making it easier to defeat him. In the HERO System, there are four ways to attack to disable.
Also refer to the rules on breaking limbs on page 412 of the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised.

The first is to do enough damage to a limb to Impair or Disable it, as described in the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised, pages 416-17. This form of Disabling usually results from an attack which, though not specifically intended to disable, does enough damage to Impair/Disable the area anyway.
Attacks of this sort suffer the standard Attack Roll and damage modifiers for the location struck (but of course, the damage modifier does not matter for purposes of determining whether a limb has been
Impaired or Disabled).
The advantage to using this form of disabling attack is that it`s likely to result in long-term Impairment or Disablement.
The drawbacks are the Attack Roll and damage modifiers, and the possibility of severely injuring the target.

The second way is to buy a Martial Maneuver with the Disable Element. Maneuvers of this sort are specifically intended to target limbs, and do not suffer either to-hit or damage penalties for the location
A Disable-based attack makes it easy to Impair or Disable a limb, or even to break or destroy one.
On the other hand, characters can normally only use an attack with the Disable Element for that one purpose, and it may be too severe in some situations.
Characters should consider Pulling their Punch or using fewer dice in situations where too much damage to a limb will have inappropriate or undramatic consequences.

The third way to disable a limb is to use a Nerve Strike to temporarily Impair or Disable it.

To Impair a location, the STUN done by the blow must equal or exceed the target`s BODY score, either before or after modifiers for the Hit Location.
If a character has 12 BODY, the Nerve Strike must inflict 12 STUN.

To Disable a location, the STUN done by the blow must equal or exceed 2x the target`s BODY score, either before or after modifiers for the Hit Location.
If a character has 10 BODY, the Nerve Strike must inflict 20 STUN.

Nerve Strike disabling attacks suffer the standard Attack Roll penalties for the area they are aimed at.
The precise effects of the Impairing or Disabling blow are listed on the accompanying table.
Of course, a character can make no attacks with a disabled limb.

  • Head
    Target is conscious, but unable to act, and at 1/2 DCV
  • Hands, Arms, Shoulders
    Target loses use of limb from that point down; anything in his grasp is dropped
  • Chest, Stomach
    Character cannot take Recoveries and is at -2 OCV and -2 DCV
  • Vitals
    Target is conscious, but nearly paralyzed; he1s at half movement, 1/2 OCV, and 1/2DCV
  • Thighs, Legs, Feet
    Target loses use of limb from that point down; he`s at half movement and 1/2 DCV

Impairing and Disabling results from a Nerve Strike do not last very long. To determine how long they do last, roll 1d6 and consult the Nerve Strike Impairing/Disabling Time Table.
The advantage of using a disabling Nerve Strike are that the opponent suffers no permanent injury. The drawback is the temporary nature of the Impairment/Disability.

The fourth and final way to disable a limb is the Declared Disabling Attack (DDA). This attack, in effect a new Combat Maneuver, is entirely optional and is subject to GM approval — it`s a “caution sign” ability.
A DDA allows a character to declare that a particular hand-to-hand attack will be a disabling attack (at the GM`s option, this might require a DEX roll or other Skill Roll). The attack suffers the usual Attack Roll modifiers for that particular target.
If the attack hits, convert the BODY damage rolled on the dice into Phases of Impairment: one Phase for each BODY rolled.
The target takes the STUN rolled as normal, with the standard modifiers for Hit Location. Thus, a DDA doesn`t cause any real injuries, but does hamper a character significantly for a short but crucial period of time.
At the GM`s option, an especially high DDA BODY roll may Impair the limb for a longer time: the entire combat, the rest of the day, or whatever seems appropriate and dramatic. Alternately, it might do some actual BODY to the limb.

Example: Jean-Claude, a savateur, realizes he needs to weaken his opponent Francois before he can get in a really telling blow. He decides to use his coup de pied bas (low kick) to target Francois`s right knee with a DDA.
His normal 10 OCV will suffer a -6 penalty for targeting the Legs. If he hits he will do normal STUN damage to his target, with the x1/2 modifier, and the BODY he does will become Phases of Impairment.
He rolls a 5 and hits!
He does 8 BODY and 29 STUN. Francois has 10 PD; his right leg becomes numb and useless for 8 Phases, and he also takes 4 STUN ([29 x 1/2] - 10). Th e GM rules Francois`s movement is reduced by half, he`s at -2 DCV, and he cannot perform several types of kicks because of his Impairment.

You use this Exclusive Basis to build maneuvers which disrupt and temporarily “blind” one or more of the target`s Sense Groups.
The Flash Basis costs +1 point per 1d6 of Flash up to 2d6, and +2 points per +1d6 thereafter, to a maximum of Flash 4d6. The basic attack affects one Sense Group; the character can purchase additional Sense Groups for +1 point. However, the GM should be wary of Flash maneuvers affecting more than one Sense Group and allow them only when they are balanced.
Each Extra DC adds +1d6 to the Flash attack.
In most cases, the appropriate form of Flash Defense protects a character against a maneuver with the Flash Basis. However, there may be some exceptions, adjudicated by the GM on a case-bycase basis. For example, a character whose Sight Flash Defense derives from his light-based powers (making him used to bright lights) won`t have much defense against a Martial Flash defi ned as poking him in the eyes.
The GM should also remember that there are many things which would prevent a maneuver with the Flash Basis from working, given its nature.
For example, a helmeted character usually is protected from Sight and Hearing Group Flashes, since it`s impossible for the martial artist to reach his eyes and ears to affect them.
In maneuver listings, this Basis is indicated by use of the phrase, “[Sense] Group Flash —d6.”
Flash is an Exclusive Basis, so a maneuver with the Flash Element cannot have any of the other following
Elements: Bind, Block, Disarm, Dodge, Grab Weapon, Strike.

   Сообщение № 8. 5.2.2014, 19:22, Anno пишет:
Anno ( Offline )

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Система создания манёвров

Я наконец ознакомился с Hero System Martial Arts и поэтому настало время сравнить процесс создания манёвров в FoF и HERO 6ed.

Элементы создания манёвров в HERO называются Базисами, они делятся на:
  • Исключительные (Exclusive)
    Bind, Block, Disarm, Dodge, Flash, Grab Weapon, Strike.
  • Неисключительные (Non-exclusive)
    Exert, Grab Opponent, Throw.
  • Вспомогательные (Helpful)
    Abort, DCV+, Disable, FMove, K-Damage, N-Damage, NND DMG, OCV+, STR+, v/6, v/10.
  • Ограничивающие (Restrictive)
    DCV-, Fall, Follow, Half Move Required, Lasting Restriction, OCV-, One Limb, Prone, Requires Both Hands, Requires Object/Condition, Response, STR-, Take Full DMG, Take Half DMG, Time+, Unbalancing.
Как видно разница с FoF довольно значительна, и без более подробного сравнения толком не разобраться.
Исключительные (Exclusive) элементы
Эквивалент в FoF
Grapple (Disarm)
Позволяет «зажать» оружие оппонента в результате чего его нельзя использовать.
Как исключительный элемент не может быть использован вместе с: Block, Disarm, Dodge, Flash, Grab Weapon, Strike.
Defense (Block)
Попытка заблокировать атаку оппнента..
Как исключительный элемент не может быть использован вместе с: Bind, Disarm, Dodge, Flash, Grab Weapon, Strike.
Позволяет выбить оружие из рук оппонента.
Как исключительный элемент не может быть использован вместе с: Bind, Block, Dodge, Flash, Grab Weapon, Strike.
Defense (Dodge)
Увеличивает шанс уклониться от атаки противника.
Как исключительный элемент не может быть использован вместе с: Bind, Block, Disarm, Flash, Grab Weapon, Strike..
Позволяет ослепить одно из сенсорных чувств оппонента.
Как исключительный элемент не может быть использован вместе с: Bind, Block, Disarm, Dodge, Grab Weapon, Strike.
Grab Weapon
Grapple (Disarm)
Позволяет схватиться за предмет в руках оппонента.
Попытка атаковать оппонента.
Как исключительный элемент не может быть использован вместе с Bind, Block, Disarm, Dodge,
Flash, Grab Weapon.

Неисключительные (Non-Exclusive) элементы
Использование силы в манёврах не связанных с нанесением повреждений (Усиленный захват, Высвобождение, Разоружение, Перетягивание предмета во время захвата, Пихание (Shove) и т.п.)
Grab Opponent
Попытка взять оппонента в захват.
…Throw или Grounding
Попытка бросить оппонента на землю.
Это собственно что касается основных элементов, Вспомогательные и Ограничивающие во многом схожи Дополнительными модификаторами FoF.

Очень серьёзным различием является отсутствие в HERO большинства вариантов манёвров «из двух частей», в частности это касается: Удар/Удар, Защита/Защита, Захват/Захват, Защита/Удар.
Однако это компенсируется Множественными атаками (Multiple Attack), Способностью Блокирующий Удар (Blocking Strike) и правилами по защите Блоком.
  • Стоимость любого манёвра HERO должна находится в рамках от 3 до 5 CP.
  • Манёвры Блок и Уклонение автоматические получают элемент Прерывание (Abort).
  • Максимальный бонус защиты (обычно до +3 DCV или до +5DCV для Уклонения) выше чем бонус атаки (до +2OCV).

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